

2024.06.18 トップ


*English follows Japanese

この度、東京ヴェルディは、シンガポール文化社会青年省(Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth of Government of Singapore)の法定機関である『スポーツシンガポール(SportSG)』と覚書を締結しましたのでお知らせします。
この締結により、当該機関直下でサッカーの水準向上を推進する国家プロジェクト『Unleash the Roar!(以下、UTR!)』から、シンガポール国籍のコーチ2名を東京ヴェルディトップチームの研修コーチ(Support coach)として受け入れることが決定しました。

2024年5月6日には、シンガポール文化社会青年省および社会・家族開発省の上級政務官(Senior Parliamentary Secretary)Eric Chua氏や『UTR!』の役員、駐日シンガポール共和国大使Ong Eng Chuan氏らが味の素スタジアムへ来訪され、東京ヴェルディと『UTR!』の協業や両国におけるサッカーの発展に関するディスカッション、およびユニフォーム交換などのセレモニーを実施しました。また、セレモニー後には、2024明治安田J1リーグ第12節ジュビロ磐田戦をご覧いただきました。




Noh Alam Shah(ノ・アラム・シャー)
(AFC 'A' Diploma Coaching License保有)

Isa Halim(イサ・ハリム)
(AFC 'A' Diploma Coaching License保有)

■東京ヴェルディ株式会社 代表取締役社長 中村考昭 コメント

■シンガポール文化社会青年省および社会・家族開発省の上級政務官 Eric Chua氏 コメント


Tokyo Verdy is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sport Singapore (SportSG), a statutory body of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth of Singapore. Two Singaporean coaches have been accepted as support coaches for the Tokyo Verdy top team as part of Unleash the Roar! (UTR!), a national movement under SportSG that aims to uplift the levels of Singapore football and rally the nation together.

On May 6, 2024, Mr. Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (SPS) for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, & Ministry of Social and Family Development and Chairman of the UTR! Executive Committee and Mr. Ong Eng Chuan, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore Tokyo led the UTR! delegation and visited Ajinomoto Stadium. They discussed the collaboration between Tokyo Verdy and UTR!, and the development of football in both countries. This is followed by the signing of a MOU on the collaboration as part of UTR! newly-launched Coaches Overseas Attachment pilot programme.

Tokyo Verdy aims become one of Asia's leading multi-sport clubs, and will continue to promote initiatives with countries around the world in order to contribute to the spread and development of sports.

■Period for accepting Support Coaches
May 24, 2024 - December 10, 2024 as a plan

■Support coaches
Noh Alam Shah (AFC 'A' Diploma Coaching License holder)
Isa Halim (AFC 'A' Diploma Coaching License holder)

■Comment from Takaaki Nakamura, President of Tokyo Verdy:

“We are extremely honored to be a partner in supporting this national project led by the Singaporean government. Our Sports Director Mr. Ejiri and Head Coach Mr. Jofuku have also welcomed the training of the coaches for the Top Team. Our club is ready for supporting this project. As Tokyo Verdy aims to become one of Asia's leading multi-sport clubs, the experience of working with coaches who speak different languages and have different cultures will be extremely valuable for our coaches. And above all, we hope that our coaching methods, which place emphasis on player development, will be a learning experience for the Support Coaches, and that we will be able to contribute to the further development of Singapore's football scene.”
■Comment from Mr. Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (SPS) for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, & Ministry of Social and Family Development and Chairman of the UTR! Executive Committee:

“Under our national football movement, Unleash the Roar!, we have implemented several initiatives to develop a pipeline of local football talents and increase youth participation in football. Coaches play a critical role in developing young talents and guiding seasoned football players. Thus, it is equally important that we forge pathways for our coaches to gain experiences and insights, to elevate the standard of football coaching and shape the future of Singapore football. We extend our appreciation to Tokyo Verdy for their hospitality and support in nurturing our coaches and in making this partnership a success.”

